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Please be advised that the Consulate General of Ireland, San Francisco website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Consulate website is now available at

Working with the right expertise in Irish State Agencies represented in the U.S.A., in several cases co-located with Ireland’s Consulates, is a key part of our successful strategy.

Bord Bia

The Irish Food Board, known as Bord Bia, acts as a link between Irish food, drink and horticulture suppliers and existing and potential customers throughout the world. Bord Bia has a network of overseas offices, including in New York.

Enterprise Ireland

Enterprise Ireland (EI) is the government organisation responsible for developing and growing Irish enterprises in world markets. It operates offices in New York, Austin (Tx) , Boston and Silicon Valley in California.

IDA Ireland

Ireland's inward investment promotion agency, IDA Ireland (Industrial Development Agency) is responsible for attracting and developing foreign investment. IDA Ireland has offices in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, New York and Northern and Southern California.

Tourism Ireland

Tourism Ireland markets the island of Ireland as a holiday destination overseas. It devises and implements world-class marketing programmes and provides industry partners with opportunities to market their own products and services alongside Tourism Ireland overseas. Their U.S. office is located in New York.