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2015 News & Events

December 2015

Bratislava Feis

14 December 2015

Ambassador Callan attended the Avalon Academy of Irish Dance Feis in Bratislava on 6 December 2015. The competition was presented by Ms. Adriana Šturdikova of the Avalong Academy of Irish Dance and adjudicated by Ms. Órla Nic Conuladh, Ms. Máire Treacy Dixon and Ms. Bernadette Downey Lanigan, who travelled from Ireland for the event.

October 2015

Global Irish – Staying in touch

22 October 2015

Stay in touch with Ireland when you are away from home

Enter the Global Irish Design Challenge

22 October 2015

Entries are now being sought for the Global Irish Design Challenge. Designers of Irish descent or who have a strong affiliation with Ireland are asked to come up with products, projects and concepts that have the potential to revolutionise the way we live.

July 2015

150th anniversary of the birth of William Butler Yeats

1 July 2015

On June 11 2015, an evening of music, song and poetry was held at the Zichy Palace in Bratislava to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the birth of W.B. Yeats.  Superb performances by Tale of the Gale musicians were accompanied by wonderful recitations of Yeats poetry 

June 2015

Celebrating 150 years of the Nobel Prize Winning Poet, William Butler Yeats

11 June 2015

To celebrate 150 years of the Nobel Prize Winning Poet, William Butler Yeats, the Embassy of Ireland presents an Evening of Irish Music, Poetry and Song with special guests Tale of the Gael

May 2015

Could you be Ireland's Best Young Entrepreneur in 2015

27 May 2015

If you are a young Irish person aged under 30 with an idea for a start-up business and you are considering returning to Ireland, Ireland’s Best Young Entrepreneur could be for you.

EU Day 2015

7 May 2015

The Embassy of Ireland will participate in EU Day on 7 May 2015. The event will take place in the main square in Bratislava between 10am and 9pm on 7 May 2015. Visitors can visit EU countries stands, including the Embassy of Ireland stand, take part in the quiz and enjoy music and entertainment.

April 2015

Embassy Open Doors

13 April 2015

The Embassy of Ireland is pleased to participate in an Embassy Open Doors initiative in cooperation with The Embassy of The United States of America in Bratislava.

Launch of Ireland's First Diaspora Policy

13 April 2015

An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD together with An Tánaiste, Joan Burton TD, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan TD, and Minister of State for Diaspora Affairs, Jimmy Deenihan TD have launched Global Irish: Ireland’s Diaspora Policy.

Global Irish is the first clear statement of the Government’s policy on the diaspora. The policy recognises the unique and important relationship between Ireland and its diaspora and sets out actions to nurture and develop this relationship, and to engage the diaspora.

March 2015

Avalon Academy of Irish Dance Irish Night

22 March 2015

Avalon Academy of Irish Dance  treated audiences to a wonderful display of contemporary and traditional Irish dance at Spoločenský Dom Nivy oan 22 March 2015.  

Nitra goes green for St. Patrick’s Day 2015

22 March 2015

The  Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (UKF) celebrated St. Patrick's Day in style in 2015 with a green baking competition, face painting, music and general greening activities. 

Minister English and Deputy Mayor  MUDr Iveta Plšeková  launch the “greening” in Bratislava 2015

22 March 2015

A symbol of the friendship between Ireland and Slovakia, on the evenings of the 16th and 17th March 2015, the historic Radisson Blu Carlton Hotel was bathed in a beautiful shade of green light to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.

St. Patrick's Day 2015

22 March 2015

Mr Damien English T.D. , Minister of State for Skills, Research and Innovation was the guest of honour at the St. Patrick’s Day reception in the Carlton Hotel.

Mr Damien English T.D., Minister of State for Skills, Research and Innovation visits Slovakia to promote Ireland and to mark St. Patrick’s Day

22 March 2015

Mr Damien English T.D. , Minister of State for Skills, Research and Innovation visited Slovakia from 15 – 16 March 2015.

Ambassador Callan attends Jameson Event in Bratislava

17 March 2015

A Jameson pop-up store was opened in Slowatch, Laurinská 19 in Bratislava from 11 March – 17 March 2015. Events taking place at the store included whiskey tasting, workshops on Irish whisky cocktails and on Irish coffee and a sports night.