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An afternoon of Celtic Music and Dance, Eurovea, Bratislava

Come along and enjoy an afternoon of Celtic Music and Dance featuring Avalon Academy of Irish Dance and Roc'hann (Breton Band) at Eurovea Shopping Centre on 12 March 2016 between 3pm and 5pm. All welcome

Get in the mood for St. Patrick's Day and come along to Eurovea to enjoy a Celtic event for all the family. Sponsored by the Embassy of Ireland, the Embassy of France and the French institute in Slovakia, this event is free of charge and open to all. What better way to spend the afternoon than to enjoy wonderful Irish dancing by the Avalon Academy of Irish Dance and excellent Breton music courtesy of the Breton Band, Roc'hann.

Come and enjoy an afternoon of Celtic music and Dance, Eurovra Shopping Centre, Bratislava

Srdečne Vás pozývame na popoludnie keltskej hudby a tanca pre celú rodinu v podaní Akadémie írskeho tanca Avalon a bretónskej skupiny Roc'hann. Podujatie sa bude konať v nákupnom centre Eurovea v Bratislave v sobotu 12.3.2016 od 15:00 - 17:00. Všetci sú vítaní. Vstup je voľný. Prídite sa naladiť na Deň sv. Patrika. Sponzormi podujatia sú Veľvyslanectvo Írska, Veľvyslanectvo Francúzska a Francúzsky inštitút na Slovensku.