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Please be advised that the Embassy of Ireland, Switzerland website has moved and this page is no longer being updated. The Embassy website is now available at

Message from Ambassador McGarry

Welcome to the website of the Embassy of Ireland in Bern. I hope that the information here will provide a useful guide to the Embassy’s services and serve to highlight the warm relations between Ireland and Switzerland, and also those between our non-resident accreditations, Liechtenstein and Algeria. 

At the Embassy we are committed to promoting Ireland in Switzerland and to assisting both countries to gain in their knowledge and appreciation of each other.

Irish trade with Switzerland is thriving: Switzerland is an important trading partner and an important source of inward investment. Swiss people are visiting Ireland in greater numbers and there are now more direct flights to Dublin and Cork from Basel, Geneva and Zürich than ever before.

There are links on this website to our State Agencies – IDA Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Bord Bia (The Irish Food Board) and Tourism Ireland. I would encourage you to consult these to find out more about investing in Ireland, about Irish companies and their products, and to make the most of your next visit to Ireland.

Many Swiss people have come to know Ireland either by visiting or through Irish culture and sport. It is gratifying to see the increasing awareness of Irish literature, music and dance, as these aspects of Ireland, together with an open and friendly approach to our guests, ensure a warm welcome and an enjoyable stay in the country.

The Embassy is committed to promoting cultural ties between our two countries and welcomes your interest in the many Irish-related events that take place each year in Switzerland.

Central to the Embassy’s role is a commitment to serving our citizens and the Irish community, working closely with our Honorary Consul in Zürich, Mr Stefan Studer.


Best wishes,

Aoife McGarry




Fáilte chuig suíomh gréasáin Ambasáid na hÉireann i mBeirn. Tá súil agam go mbeidh an t-eolas atá sa suíomh gréasáin seo ina threoir duit i dtaobh na seirbhísí a chuireann an Ambasáid ar fáil agus go léireofar ann an cairdeas atá idir Éire agus an Eilvéis, agus an cairdeas atá ann le Lichtinstéin agus an Ailgéir.

Táim féin agus mo chomhghleacaithe san Ambasáid tiomanta do leasanna na hÉireann a chur chun cinn san Eilvéis agus tá uainn a chinntiú go gcuirfidh an dá thír leis an eolas agus an aithne atá acu ar a chéile.

Tá trádáil na hÉireann leis an Eilvéis faoi bhorradh is faoi bhláth: tá an Eilvéis ar an gcúigiú comhpháirtí trádála is tábhachtaí de chuid na hÉireann. Is foinse thábhachtach infheistíochta isteach í an Eilvéis in Éirinn freisin agus tugann líon mór de mhuintir na hEilvéise cuairt ar Éirinn agus is mó an méid eitiltí díreacha anois ná riamh a théann idir Baile Átha Cliath nó Corcaigh agus Basel, an Ghinéiv agus Zürich.

Tá naisc le fáil ar an suíomh seo le príomhghníomhaireachtaí Stáit na hÉireann — GFT Éireann, Fiontraíocht Éireann, an Bord Bia agus Turasóireacht Éireann — agus ba mhaith liom thú a spreagadh chun dul i gcomhairle leo siúd chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil faoi infheistiú in Éirinn, faoi chuideachtaí Éireannacha agus a dtáirgí, agus faoin tairbhe is fearr a bhaint as do chéad chuairt eile ar Éirinn.

Is iomaí duine de mhuintir na hEilvéise a bhfuil aithne curtha acu ar Éirinn trí chuairt a thabhairt ar an tír nó trí chultúr agus spórt na hÉireann. Is údar sásaimh dom an fheasacht atá acu ar litríocht, ceol agus rince na hÉireann, toisc go gcinntíonn na gnéithe sin d'Éirinn, chomh maith leis an meon oscailte, cairdiúil atá againn, go mbeidh fáilte ó chroí rompu agus go mbainfidh siad sult as a seal ar an oileán.

Tá an Ambasáid tiomanta don cheangal cultúir idir an dá thír seo againne a chur chun cinn agus is mór againn an tsuim a léirítear sna himeachtaí iomadúla Éireannacha a bhíonn ar siúl gach bliain san Eilvéis.

Cuid lárnach d'fhreagrachtaí na hAmbasáide is ea an tiomantas chun an freastal is fearr is féidir a dhéanamh ar shaoránaigh na hÉireann agus ar an bpobal Éireannach, agus muid ag obair i ndlúthpháirt le Consal Oinigh na hÉireann in Zürich, an tUasal Stefan Stüder.

Le gach dea-ghuí,

Aoife McGarry





Aoife McGarry from Bray, Co. Wicklow, is Ireland’s Ambassador to Switzerland, and Ambassador-designate to Liechtenstein and Algeria. Prior to taking up this post, Aoife was the Director of EU Institutions and Coordination in the European Union Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs, 2021-2023.  Aoife has served abroad in the Embassy of Ireland in Berlin and the Embassy of Ireland in Washington DC.  She is a graduate of Dublin City University and entered the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs as a Third Secretary in 2002. She is married with three daughters.


August 2023

Ambassador-designate to Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Algeria

August 2021

Director, EU Institutions and Coordination, EU Division, HQ

August 2019

Deputy Director, HR Strategy and Operations, Headquarters

January 2014

First Secretary, Embassy of Ireland, Berlin

August 2011

Secondment to IDA Ireland

August 2009

Desk Officer, US Irish and British Irish relations, Headquarters

August 2005

Embassy of Ireland, Washington DC

August 2003

Press Office, Headquarters

July 2002

EU Division, Headquarters


  • Bachelor of Arts, International Business with French and German, DCU
  • Masters of Arts, International Relations, DCU
  • Loreto Secondary School, Bray, Co. Wicklow