Fellowship Training Programme 2018
02 November 2017Applications are now open for scholarships for Tanzanian citizens to study in Ireland under the Irish Aid funded Fellowship Training Programme. The programme presents a unique opportunity to study in an international setting and benefit from the research facilities provided by Irish Universities and Institutes of Technology which rank among some of the top education and learning centres in the world.
Irish Aid Fellowships aim to support capacity strengthening for the attainment of long-term development goals through enhancing the skills and capacities of key individuals, generally drawn from the public services and NGO sectors.
Operating for over 40 years, Irish Aid Fellowships have supported more than 2,000 successful awardees who have returned to their organisations on completing their studies, and are committed to putting their acquired knowledge and skills into practice for the benefit of the wider community.
Fellowships are awarded for full-time study at Masters level, with a focus on courses that are relevant to Irish Aid's development objectives. On completion, Fellowship recipients commit to resume work and put their acquired skills into good use for the benefit of their home countries.
To be eligible, applicants must:
- be a Tanzanian citizen
- be resident in Tanzania.
- have achieved the necessary academic standard to be accepted onto a Master's degree course in a higher education institution in Ireland.
- have an IELTS English language qualification of 6.5 or higher by the time they submit their application. Applications that do not provide evidence of this qualification will not be considered.
- be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to the development of their home country.
- be applying to commence a new qualification and not be seeking funding for a course they have already commenced or which will begin before fellowship awards have been notified.
- be able to take up the Fellowship in the academic year 2018/2019.
- provide a letter of reference from their employer or other referee.
Scholarships for 2018/19 will be awarded to Tanzanian applicants seeking to undertake study on the following courses:
Gender Studies and Public Advocacy
- MA in Women, Gender and Society at University College Dublin: http://bit.ly/2tlYixn
- MA in Gender, Globalisation and Rights at the National University of Ireland, Galway: www.bit.ly/c9SC9i
- MA in Public Advocacy and Activism at the National University of Ireland, Galway: www.nuigalway.ie/publicadvocacy/
Agriculture, Environmental Science and Rural Development
- MSc (Agr) in Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development at University College Dublin: http://bit.ly/2thpPm8
- MSc in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security at the National University of Ireland, Galway: www.nuigalway.ie/ccafs
- MA in Rural Sustainability at the National University of Ireland, Galway: www.bit.ly/1scnXF6
Sustainable Technology
- MEngSc in Sustainable Energy at University College Cork: www.bit.ly/bCzVWR
- ME in Sustainable Electrical Energy Systems at the Dublin Institute of Technology: www.bit.ly/2d1jqBC
- MSc in Environmental Technology at University College Dublin: www.bit.ly/14UK6XV
Application forms are available at: https://www.irishaidfellowships.ie/strands/fellowship-training-programme
Completed applications should be sent to TanzaniaFellowships[at]dfa[dot]ie. The deadline for applications is the 2nd January 2018